Blacklusion December Update

2 min readJan 15, 2022

This month our efforts have been dedicated to our NFT Game, the Validationcore and Infrastructure updates.


New Validationcore Website

We are excited to release the newest version of our Validationcore Website. The whole theme was completely reworked. Major changes include:

  • New Navigation sidebar
  • Better responsive support
  • Filters: Now a filter button appears in the guild list. This can be used to select guilds with certain criteria (Or in the case of the statistics overview: A custom date range can be selected)

Updated Validationcore API

We have updated the schema of our graphql API slightly. The new schema is easier to use. You can explore the APIs in your browser under the following domains:

NFT Game

As already teased it in the last months: We are currently working on a NFT based game... Stay tuned for more exciting news in the near future 🚀

Infrastructure Updates

We are excited to announce our new fully indexed hyperion cluster:




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